Here is a little about me.
I am a adopted
I got a family.
I lost a family
I got another family
That family broke down
I was making another family
And it washed out to sea.
I was adopted again
That family remains
Miles away.
I’m apart of a community
Im leaving that community
Im still apart of that community
But I am in turn am going to belong to another place.
There are people everywhere.
To what degree do I belong…
It shakes the soul its shakes the heart.
But of all this I know is that we are meant to belong.
Feelings sometimes make us feel unworthy to be apart of something
Sometimes feelings make us shun the arms that reach out
Sometimes we cant bring ourselves to give our hearts away.
But the truth is… we are meant to belong.
We are worthy.
The people who reach out truly want us to be apart of them
And our hearts are too heavy to hold and giving apart away would make the load a lot lighter.
I sat in a setting tonight with people some to whom I believe I belong and to some I do not. It was a a warm place. And I watched the legs walk by the window outside and hoped they too knew to whom they belonged.
It made me thankful. It put my heart in my throat, drew a tear from my eye. I sat by myself on the couch and felt that I would never be alone again.
I know to whom I belong, I know the places where I can go to call home.
Brother and Pop. (Grandpa) 2 to whom I belong |
you'll always be apart of my family <3