This beautiful girl is my friend’s daughter, Sophia. When I first met this precious little girl I knew right away I wanted to be her friend. Her huge brown eyes are perfectly set against her strawberry hair and you cannot deny she’s stunning.
Being around my new friends, many of them are mothers, has brought out a new side of me I was unaware of. I definitely see why children are so wonderful.
Sophia is quite shy, and I am new, but I made it my mission to be her friend. A little while ago I let her use my camera and taught her how to take a picture, she loved it, and I think that was the moment she decided to be my friend. She speaks with almost a sweet english accent, and I had not seen her for a while until yesterday. We were excited to see one another and she gave me a great hug and shared her balloon with me. It is already easy to see the way she loves others in the way she cares for her little brother and she’s best friends with her cousin.
I’m lucky to have found friendship in their family.
(this photo was taken by her mother)