Friday, August 26, 2011

Strawberry Crumble & Melissa

I have been looking forward to friday night for one reason.

I had plans to make strawberry crumble (or the likes of)
come with me on this beyond delicious journey!
i like to use as many organic products as possible, i also rarely clean my computer screen

so you cut the strawberries and have some fun adding honey, dont go crazy though
then make the crumble? this included, oats, brown sugar, shredded cococut, almond flakes, cinnamon and a tad bit of melted butter

create, *mouth waters*

find an awesome friend have her tell you about life

if your friend is this cool your crumble will cook in no time at all

yeah, melissa is pretty sweet

golden brown... almonds screaming "oh gawssssh eat me eat me if you know whats good for you eat me"

be in awe (let it cool down) for like 5 minutes

get someone else to serve it so you can have the first bite? haha

add ice cream. find a genie and ask for a bottomless bowl of this strawberry crumble

* im still learning to use my camera & the house these were taken in has the worst colour scheme you've ever seen.. im not even kidding. eventually these photo posts wont be as pukey ok bye.

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